List if Journals / Magazines in the College Library
1. Aikyatha.
2. Business Today
3. Bulletin of IAPT
4. Critical Practice.
5. Competition Success Review.
6. Current Science.
7. Data Quest.
8. Dharma deepika
9. Economics & Pol. Weekly.
10. Electronics for you.
11. Employment News.
12. Facts for you.
13. Forward Press.
14. German News.
15. Guru Nanak Journal of Sociology.
16. Herald of Health.
17. India Today.
18. India Journal of Economics.
19. India Journal of American Studies.
20. Indian Literature
21. Indian Philosophical out
22. Jell
23. Journal of Indian Education.
24. Journal of Tribal Studies.
25. Junior science refresher.
26. Journal of the Indian chemical Society.
27. Journal of Indian writing in English.
28. Kavya Bharti.
1. Am Admi.
2. Alochana.
3. Avishkar.
4. Kalyan.
5. Kashak.
6. Kathan.
7. Grah Shobha.
8. Hamr Gavan.
9. Dastavej.
10. German Samachar.
11. Jagriti.
12. Samkalin Bhartiya Sahitya.
13. Span.
14. Sarita.
29. Kurukshetra.
30. New frontiers in Education.
31. North India Church Review.
32. People’s Reports.
33. Phys. Education.
34. Journal of Pollution.
35. Religion & Society.
36. Reader’s Digest.
37. Resonance.
38. Review of Religion.
39. SC. Report.
40. SCMI News Bulletin.
41. Seminar
42. Span.
43. Sports Star.
44. Sikh Review.
45. Third Concept.
46. University News.
47. University Semachar.
48. Vikasini.
49. Woman’s Era.
50. Yojana.
51. Dataquest
52. Eye the luxury Srecial
53. Herald of Health
54. Panchbati sandes
55. Global Management Horizon
1. Atam Marg.
2. Alochana.
3. Samdarshi.
4. Sirjana.
5. Khoj Patrika.
6. Khoj Darpan.
7. Panchbati Sandesh.
8. Preet LAri.
9. Jagriti.
10. Yojana.